Teresa Dina Valentini
Project Lead Energy Transition Jobs

Identifies professional profiles and related skills required by the energy transition in order to define and activate training courses for the benefit of unemployed workers or those looking for their first job with the partners of the ROme Advanced District ecosystem.Identifies professional profiles and related skills required by the energy transition in order to define and activate training courses for the benefit of unemployed workers or those looking for their first job with the partners of the ROme Advanced District ecosystem.
Since July 2022 Teresa Dina Valentini is responsible for Sustainable B2B for Networks and PA, the area in charge for the identification of business development opportunities with local entities. She also handles the promotion of partnerships third parties for the definition of decarbonisation integrated solutions to foster local, regional and national development planning.
In Eni, Teresita has worked for the HSE department as head of the monitoring, auditing and training unit of the professional family.
Moreover, she has gained significant experience in the association sector and is currently President of the energy section of Unindustria. She also works at Confindustria Energia dealing with training and networking.